Monday, 23 March 2015

My Writing

How The NZ Kingfisher Got Its Colour

As we all should know the NZ Kingfisher has the colour of our water for feathers and eats bugs and fish in the water. Many years before humans were around, the kingfisher was a plain white bird. This story is to tell you what happened to its feathers along time ago……….

Kōtare was a lonely white kingfisher who nested in the branches of one of the millions of NZ native trees that every summer blossomed beautiful red flowers that lined the shore.

One sweltering day as Kōtare sat in her nest trying desperately to cool down a fat, juicy insect flew by. “ I must stay here and cool down” she muttered, but as the insect came nearer she dove out of her nest and flew after it. Seconds later, when the insect realised was about to become lunch; it navigated down to the water where is lay, hoping for freedom. But the insect was no match for Kōtare along with her amazing eyesight. Kōtare dived down. As her beak clamped down on the insect and the lush taste filled her mouth she forgot to pull up and dove straight into the water.

With the insect still in her mouth she found that she could swim really fast so she did. As she broke the surface she immediately took off and flew straight back to her nest. Back at the nest she swallowed the insect and shook herself clear of water. As Kōtare looked down at herself she realised that her feathers had changed. Instead of being plain white they were sea blues and greens. ‘Oh my” she gasped “I look wonderful.” For the next few days Kōtare would go diving in the ocean to cool down as the hot summer rolled by. 

From this day on all Kingfishers’ feathers are coloured sea greens and blues.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

What Does Cyber Citizenship Mean To Me

My first school blog post...

Being a cyber citizen to me it means knowing how to be safe on the internet.

E.G of showing this is...
  • You do not share your password with anyone.
  • Never arrange to meet someone you have met online.
  • Never post anything that may offend someone.
  • Always tell an adult if you see anything on the internet that is not appropriate.
  • Know the rules of how to be cyber safe.
Here are some websites that you can test your brain on how much you know about cyber safety.
