Thursday, 12 November 2015

13/11/2015 - Maths Buddy

Maths Buddy:

The idea of maths buddy is that, you self lead yourself in a way that your learning will befit from. You can do this by choosing maths lessons that you need to learn and other things like that. So far maths buddy has been great for me because I get an idea of what I need to learn and I can learn things myself (independent) without having a teacher to teach me, making me feel like I am in control of my learning. I am working at a year 7-8 level on maths buddy. So for I have earned 100% on patterns and algebra.

Monday, 9 November 2015

6/11/15 - Te Reo Maori Lesson

On Friday our Maori teacher, Luana came in to teach us Te Reo Maori. During this week session room 22 would be learning directional words, these words are:

Neke :  move

Maui : left

Matau : right

Mua : forward

Muri : back

Taihoa : stop/walk

Ngoke : worm/crawl

Hikoi  : walk

E tu  : stand

E noho : sit

E heke : get down

My favourite part of this session was when we put these words into practice and went out to the playground where we had to lead a partner around the playground using these words and then it would be our turn to follow the direction our partner was telling us to go. To make it even more fun the student following the directions would be blind folded. My partner was Megan. It was a weird feeling being blind folded, because when I thought I was in one place I would be in a different place and I didn't know what was in front of me!

Thanks so much Luana for a great Maori session with you, you teach me something new every week!


Wednesday, 4 November 2015



As one of my camp follow up activities I had to design a poster about KOKAKO LODGE. 

Here was my success criteria and how I rated my work:

  • Bright colours 10/10
  • Border 7/10
  • Title 10/10
  • Bold Headings 10/10
  • Illustrations 3/10  -  I ran out of space
  • Organisation  9/10
  • Eye catching  9/10
  • Message 9/10
  • Does it excite or enthuse other people to go to KOKAKO LODGE  8/10
  • Is their information 8/10
  • Is it at a year 6 standed 9.5/10
  • More pictures than words  2/10
  • Relevant images 10/10

Over all for my poster I am going to give it an 8.5/10. Next time I am going to allow my self some more room for images and am going to add in other images to make it a 10/10 year 6 standed. 

Monday, 2 November 2015

What did I learn about paragraphing?

My Blog Buddy On the 3rd of the 11th month is Chloe:

Today we were learning about paragraphing. All of the things we learnt I already knew. These things were having a topic sentence, then detail sentences and finally a concluding sentence, having relevant details to the topic sentence and having 1 idea per paragraph.   At the moment I am working on a piece of persuasive writing. My topic is that Forrest Hill School Year 6's should not go to camp! I have finished my introduction and am part way through my 1st out of 3 paragraphs. I strongly believe that I have so far completed my writing to a year 6 standered.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

My knowledge on bloging

My Blog Buddy On the 2nd of the 11th month is Chloe:

This is what I know about Blogging:

Blogger is a big collaborative website that you can share pretty much anything on. If you where using it from a learning perspective (Like I am), you would often share work on your blog and other people would comment on your work, give you feedback/other ways to improve you work! You could even use the blog as a kind of diary, recording the things you may have learnt on a particular day of any thing special that may have happened at school. On your blog you can embed particular websites or even links to other blogs. You can share your blog links to multiple other people. Another thing that is also great about the blog is that it automatically orders your post in time order, starting with the most resent posts. Also you can share any websites that you may find useful for any work you are doing, if you find a good website you want to use, you can paste the link into the blog and post it to come back to. How USEFUl!


It could help you a heap!