Sunday, 17 May 2015

Monday the 18th - How was this day for me?..

Monday the 18th was a great day for me because I got to be independent. I got to have quite a range of different things to do at different times which for me was good and I found it a good change for once in a while was that we did not really have set times we had to do things for e.g block 1 reading e.t.c. I got lots of work done because it was a good learning environment. It was quiet when it needed to be and even when the volume went up it never got to the stage where I could not focus. I got these things done...

  1. I finished my publishing of my explanation.
  2. I finished my publishing of my story "Soccer star."
  3. Did my one journal activity.
  4. Continued for a bit with my free choice writing.
  5. Finished as much as I could find of good maths games and put them on my doc which was then shared with the class and Mrs Robson.
  6. Wrote an email about questions and things me and Elise disagreed on that was sent to Mr Marwick.
Overall I believe the sort of learning environment that we had today was amazing and the independence of today was awesome.

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