Thursday, 24 September 2015

We should incorporate the idea from the student government, and put in a rock garden with painted stones!

On the behalf of the student government I strongly advise that we include the student government's idea and put in a rock garden with painted stones. Reasons being that the Year 6’s will get to leave something behind, like a legacy, it will add colour to the outside learning area and it would be a great decoration.

Having a rock garden in our outside learning area would be a great legacy for the Year 6’s to leave. As a Year 6 I know that I and many others want something to come back to that will remind us of our incredible time at Forrest Hill School, this means that we would be leaving a legacy for ourselves to come back to, so having stones with our names painted on them would fit that criteria perfectly and also be something for other students at Forrest Hill School to enjoy. I have interviewed 20 people in my Year 6 class, 19 of the students agreed with the statement above and 1 did not, therefore reinforcing the sentence above, that they felt the same way towards this. Adding to the fact that having painted stones with our names on them would be a legacy for the Year 6’s to leave behind, is the fact that it was one of the Student Government's projects to complete for 2015, so for the Student Government it would be an accomplished task that others would be able to enjoy. Put yourself in a Year 6’s position, wouldn't you want to have something that will remind you of your primary school years at Forrest Hill School? Seeing there would be an individual name on each of the stones/pebbles, each stone would be unique so the Year 6’s would have there own kind of memory stone to represent them. Another thing to consider is it would be a fun activity for the Year 6’s to complete in the last week of school, sending the Year 6’s to intermediate with a smile. The last thing you want is unhappy Year 6’s going off to intermediate, dreading their last day because all they did was MATHS! Painted stones for the reasons above would be a great legacy for the Year 6’s to leave behind.

We need bright colours in our outside learning area! What is a learning area without bright colours? Colour is a necessary factor in a garden, making painted stones a perfect idea. In areas of our learning area where rot and decay takes over everything in that space will seem dull, however this can be changed by putting in colourful stones with names written on them. Bright colours like yellow, green, orange and so on make people feel happy and cheerful from the colours brightness. These bright colours will remind students of their happy memories at Forrest Hill School, relating back to the fact that the stones would be a great reminder for Year 6’s who have left Forrest Hill, as strongly stated in the paragraph above, consequently these colours make for happy times! If however the learning area has dull colours such as midnight blues, black, brown e.t.c it will only remind people of sad, gloomy times not joyful and fun times. You can’t deny it, colour is needed in our learning area and the painted stones would suit that purpose perfectly!

Painted stones would be a great decoration and would be a great representation of our school. You may be wondering, what do I mean by a “great representation of our school,” well what I am meaning is that the rocks/pebbles could be placed in a specific way to create a pattern or image on the ground. These symbols could be symbols that represent our school or symbols that represent Aotearoa. For e.g to represent our school, the stones could make the symbol of our Forrest Hill School tree logo or to represent Aotearoa, the stones could be in the shape of a koru. As a result of the symbols representing our school, people would be reminded of Forrest Hill going back to the first paragraph. Also as a result of the symbols representing Aotearoa, the symbols would give meaning to our garden. On the decoration side of things the stones combined to make a symbol would make the learning space more of an interesting place to work in. The stones/pebbles would be a great representation of our school and a great decorations, both those things are needed.

In conclusion, I would love to work in the learning area if there was a rock garden with painted stones because it would be a great legacy for the Year 6’s to leave behind, it would make the learning space pop with colour and finally the stones would be a great decoration and representation of our school.

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